Faculty Directory

Lynda Grindstaff

Dec 17, 2024, 15:56
Title : Lynda Grindstaff
First Name : Lynda
Last Name : Grindstaff
Designation : IANS Faculty
Job Title : Former Vice President of Engineering
Company : McAfee
Salesforce Contact ID : 003Ro00000CAIZSIA5
LinkedIn URL : https://www.linkedin.com/in/lyndagrindstaff/
Twitter URL : https://x.com/lyndagrindstaff

Lynda Grindstaff has 30 years’ experience as a technology and cybersecurity engineering executive, public board director and strategic advisor for growth companies. Most recently, Lynda was a VP of engineering at McAfee, where she led the global malware operations teams. In addition to protecting customers, she provided incident response and drove efficiencies across the company. Prior to McAfee, Lynda spent 22 years at Intel in various technical and senior leadership roles. She is known for being a passionate and inspirational leader who excels in driving innovation and efficient cybersecurity solutions.

  • Incident Response
  • Operational Excellence (Measurement and Metrics)
  • Technology Strategy, Roadmaps and Rationalization
  • Security Leadership Development & Organizational Structure
  • Board of Directors & Executive Communications
  • Three Patents in Cybersecurity
  • Award Winner: 2024 Cybersecurity Woman Leader of the Year, Intel Achievement Award and three Society of Women Engineers national awards
  • Board Member for OFGBancorp (NYSE: OFG) and Women's Empowerment
  • Advisory Board Member for How Women Lead and Cal State Univ Sacramento (CSUS) College of Engineering
  • Founding Limited Partner in How Women Invest
  • Speaker at major conferences such as RSA
  • BS, Computer Science- California State University Sacramento

In her free time, Lynda enjoys traveling to National Parks and exploring the outdoors. Lynda is passionate about exposing women to opportunities they may not know about such as cybersecurity, investing, or sitting on a BoD. Fun facts about Lynda: She's been to the opening bell of the NYSE, closing bell of NASDAQ, and featured on the CSUS highway billboard.

Lynda Grindstaff joined IANS in 2024. As a member of our Faculty, she delivers deep domain-level insights to clients in the following areas: incident response, operational excellence, technology strategy, security leadership, & executive communications.

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