Cybersecurity Tools & Guides

Each downloadable piece featured below is a fully-detailed, actionable resource that's part of a larger collection of cybersecurity content available to our clients in the IANS Insights Portal.

Showing 10-18 of 51
Report Vendor Management

Develop and Promote Internal Talent To Senior Infosec Roles

Identifying top-tier talent and ensuring their advancement through coaching, development and promotion is essential to building a mature security organization. This report explores the various criteria that demonstrates whether an individual is ready for promotion or advancement.

Anand Singh, IANS Faculty
Tools and Templates Governance, Risk Management and Compliance

Create Metrics To Use for Budgeting and Decision-Making

Creating metrics to support budgeting and decision-making requires a focus on threats, losses and return on controls (ROC). This report explains how to use a cyber-risk quantification (CRQ) process to create metrics that resonate with the board and senior leadership.

Richard Seiersen, IANS Faculty
Tools and Templates Governance, Risk Management and Compliance

Determine the Cost and Impact of a Security Breach

The financial effects of a data breach can range from losses due to business disruption and data exposure to regulatory fines, brand impacts and legal costs. This report highlights some recent statistics on breach costs and provides a process for determining breach costs specific to your organization.

Mike Saurbaugh, IANS Faculty
Report Governance, Risk Management and Compliance

IANS Security, Privacy and Compliance Law Update: Q1 2024

This Report provides updates on emerging international compliance laws and regulations that impact the information security and privacy communities.

Rebecca Herold, IANS Faculty
Tools and Templates Security Policies and Strategy

Data Protection and Classification Policy Template

This template is designed to help establish a workable data protection and classification policy in general, as well as to support PCI DSS compliance.

Kelli Tarala, IANS Faculty
Report Management and Leadership

The State of the CISO, Canada, 2023–2024 Benchmark Report

This benchmark report serves to help CISOs in Canada better assess their situations against those of their peers with country-specific data and analysis charting comp, security budgets and satisfaction levels. 

Webinar Penetration Testing

Are You Getting the Most of Your Pen Test Efforts?

This webinar replay, led by IANS Faculty Ed Skoudis, is ideal for anyone looking to learn more about how to maximize their upcoming pen testing efforts, and where IANS can play a role in that..

Ed Skoudis, IANS Faculty
Tools and Templates Threat Detection and Hunt Teaming

Policy Narratives Template

In this Report, IANS Faculty define core processes, providing a comprehensive program description and enabling room to outline future goals.

Joshua Marpet, IANS Faculty
Report Management and Leadership

The Compensation, Budget and Satisfaction Benchmark for Tech CISOs, 2023-2024

This benchmark report serves to help CISOs in the tech sector better assess their situations against those of their peers. It offers breakouts for key subsectors, specifically, software, hardware and infrastructure, financial technology (fintech), healthcare tech, and cybersecurity vendors.