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Get objective insights, cross-industry survey data and market trends from over 755 CISOs regarding their background, job level, compensation, board engagement and job satisfaction. Download this summary report to learn:

  • CISO role characteristics: Review role breakdowns by level, background, and compensation to compare with evolving landscapes.
  • CISO leadership skill development: Find ways to strengthen your soft skills to bring a strong voice to executive meetings.
  • CISO job satisfaction levels: See satisfaction levels over time to parallel with new CISO challenges and opportunities.

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The Scope of CISO Responsibilities Continues to Expand

Navigate the evolution of your role

The scope of responsibilities associated with the CISO role continues to evolve. Our survey data over the past five years, combined with ongoing conversations with CISOs, confirm that the CISO role continues to expand into adjacent domains. 
Read the blog for a sneak peek
CISOs who successfully navigate the complexities of the C-suite and the boardroom command higher salaries. These CISOs drive more visibility by adding value on business risk conversations and decisions, are viewed on-par with other peers in the C-suite, and are considered strategic business executive rather than technology leaders.
Steve Martano, IANS Faculty

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